About Me

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Hey I'm Jamie. Christian. Wife. Foodie. New home owner. Mommy of a 4 year old little boy, who fills my life with wonderful chaos.

The Hubby

The Hubby

The Wildman

The Wildman

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Family Pics!

A couple weeks ago, we went on a trip to Dauphin Island Alabama, with MY whole family.  My parents, 2 brothers, sister in law, and my husband and 3 yr old.  It has been a GOOD while since we were all together, probably around Christmas :) BUT, we were all in one house on an island.  To say the least it was interesting. I did the typical wife/mother things and packed clothes for my family to take some pictures on the beach. I sure am glad I did because these are the only ones we have since Christmas and those weren't nice to me haha.

Of Course we don't have a great one of all 3 because we have a 3 yr old who refused to look at the camera so we had to improvise. But, I can't complain, some actually don't look awful.

 E has grown so much this year. He didn't even have a plain white shirt that still fit.

Of course he had to show Giggy his "SHE-SHELL" and we talked about our "BIG OLE BELLIES"

E was throwing sand and got in trouble but then wouldn't smile for anymore pictures.

The look Hubby gets 90% of the time from me (of course he isn't even listening) haha. I'm pretty sure we have an engagement picture just like this too.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Words of a Wildman!

ME: "Hey bud, we are gonna go to the eye dr. to make sure your eyes are ok and you can see before you start to school"
 E: "(in shock) But mom, I don't need new eyes. I have good eyes so I don't need new ones because dese work good."



I got up early this morning, did my bible study and now feel so prepared for the day. I can't believe I let myself skip out on a quiet time most mornings. Everything runs so much smoother if I get some one on one time.  Well, I got half way through my bible study before a little person ran around the corner and tackled me from behind.

I read about Esther today and I LOVE HER! She's probably my favorite woman in the Bible.  I know I should say Mary is because she is Jesus's mom but I really like Esther (sorry not sorry). I was reminded that God will put me where I am supposed to be so I can fulfill HIS purpose. Not mine.  So, even though I am stressed with changing jobs and may or may not be going to school this semester, it's so I can do something FOR HIM.

So, back to changing jobs.  YES! I got a new job. HOoRAY!!!!  I will be working a daytime job at a bank.  WITH DAYTIME HOURS!!!  <---- Can you see how excited I am that I will be sleeping the same time as everyone else in the house.

Praise the Lord for answering prayers!!

I may not be able to go to class this semester because I did not get all my papers turned in to be accepted into the Education program until a week before school starts, but with this job I was just planning on taking two classes anyway. I am actually not too bummed, I feel like this summer I have done nothing but work all night and go to school all day.  My little boy is almost 4 and I have missed it.  :(  I need some time to just focus on him. Even though he will be starting to a 3-preK program just right up the road. I feel like he is so ready for it. Even if I cry the first couple of day ha.

Now, that I am on a non-vampire schedule I decided to sign up for a bible study that I haven't done in a while. It is called HELLOMORNINGS.  It is super easy to sign up for and stay accountable because it is all on facebook and twitter.  You sign up for a group by going to
Christian CommunityHelloMornings <---Clickhere.  
You can read all about it and sign up right here. :) I love this because they email me my bible study so the whole group is doing the same book.  I also signed up in the Women in Education class. I figured since I am studying to be a teacher and I am in actual school that qualifies me for both aspects of that group. HA!

ANYWAY, Hope you have a fantastic week! I have one more final and two papers to write before Wed. Pray for me as I finally finish this semester.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

What I learned in July!

OK.. this is my first time linking up to this fun post from a lovely Mrs. Freeman at Chatting at the Sky. But, I have a few friends who have done this so I thought why not, I can think of 12 things I learned.  Boy, I didn't know how difficult it was going to be to just have time to sit here and think, much less type up all these thoughts roaming in my head. But, I will try.

what I learned July
Here we go...

1.  I am no good at waiting. I have no patience.  I have to have things in order and when my order is messed up I FREAK OUT.  I have a routine, don't mess it up!  I can not wait for the outcome of an event if I haven't thought out all the possible outcomes and prepared myself for each and every one of them.  It stresses me out to just sit and wait... in no mans land for information, news, or anything.
Which brings me to number two...

Photo: Do not be anxious about anything!

Emily Burger Designs http://www.emilyburgerdesigns.com/scripture.html
2.  I have severe anxiety.  HA I guess I didn't just learn this. I have known about it a while I just do not like to admit it. HERE I AM, admitting it.  I had 2 panic attacks this month :/.  I have had a hard time with school this summer because of a very difficult class, in which I had to stand up and give a presentation.  Last time, I gave a presentation I threw up.  I actually made it through this one but I stuttered, turned red, and had to just read it straight from paper. I'm pretty sure I didn't even look up.  This scares me as an Education major.  I have decided I will do this everyday of my adult life! WHAT have I been thinking?!? But, I do want it so I will do it :) (look at me motivating myself )  It helped to turn to my bible and find some things like this amazing bible verse Phillipians 4: 6-8.

Also I heard a song on the radio. It says, "Hold me now. Till the fear is leaving. I am barely breathing" I know it's kind of depressing to some  people but I sing this a lot when I am freaking out/ hyperventilating/ scared. and I feel better. It helps me remember that God is right there with me ALWAYS. He knows exactly how I am feeling and is probably sitting there laughing like... "why are you scared? I know exactly what is going to happen and it isn't going to be bad. Im right here holding your hand"

3. ANYWAY, on to a less depressing realization. :)  It's hard work to lose weight.  I spent the last month using Advocare. I definitely fell off the wagon MULTIPLE times. But, all together I lost weight 11 lbs.but, I gained back 5 lbs because of #4 but I would take that any day. :) I just can't seem to get into the habit of exercising because my schedule is RIDICULOUS.

4. I learned I can do anything I actually decide that I want to do it.  I HAVE OFFICIALLY QUIT SMOKING.  Not very many people know I was a smoker. Well, I am here to announce I was a pack a day smoker since I was 18. I have quit MANY times before and started back. I WILL NOT START AGAIN! It has been over a month and I couldn't be happier, yes everyday struggle but I want to do it so I will. :)

5. Potty training is not just a week long thing.  I don't know about other people but for us, we have been potty training for almost a whole year.  E has finally gotten the hang of #1 and some days #2.  I don't know when I will feel comfortable taking him out of the house in big boy pants but in the house we wear big boy pants. HOORAY!

6. I am not a very avid blogger. HA! I haven't written a blog post in a while.  BUT, as an excuse I am very busy taking summer classes and working.

7.  I have a love/hate relationship with my job.  Don't we all! I love being able to run around and talk to so many people but it is hard work and late nights for very little money.

8. E will start to preschool in 12 days.  ---<PARTY DANCE>---

       I am so nervous, excited, sad, and all other emotions someone feels when their only baby starts to go to school.  BUT, at the same time.  I want him to learn and grow and make us some friends (notice how I said us!)

9.  I love to sew! I realize this is a lost art form for most people and I am proud to say I know how to sew NOT well, but I can hem my own pants and can make E some! I hope to move up to making some skirts and dresses for me. BUT, until I find the time....

10.  I learned I want another child.  No, we can't afford to have another one but that doesn't mean I don't long to have another one.  E is not a baby anymore and I feel the need to just hold one/have one ALL the time.  It hurts my feelings and to say the least I'm super jealous that all my friends are having kids and we aren't.  Yet again, I realize I have to wait (something I at terrible at) and just trust God!

11.  Adam West does voices ALOT! This guy is in almost every animated film! He is in Family Guy, Jake and The Neverland Pirates, Kim Possible, The Simpsons, Chicken Little, and is even on a movie we are watching now, Meet the Robinsons. Of course he was the original Batman! So if, there is a Batman cartoon he is the voice of Batman.  UNBELIEVABLE! This guy has been acting since 1966. And his voice is so distinguishable. haha

         FINALLY, 12!!  I learned that I can actually think of 12 things that I learned this month.  :) GO ME!

Hope you enjoyed! 

Just so you know,  #HELLOMORNINGS is starting up a new Fall bible study! Sign up is August 5th. It is a community based Online quiet time. Super Easy and free! I love to try it every year SO... tell your friends and sign up!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Colassal Coaster, E's first VBS.

Well, We are breezing through June. Hooray! Last week was a very exciting and exhausting week. We had VBS every morning last week, How exciting right?!?!?

 E woke up yesterday asking if he could go back. I realize he needs some sort of schedule and stability where he can interact with other kids. Not just mom time. It hurts me and makes me want to cry, to realize he is growing up so much.  I missed that little guy every morning and couldn't wait until lunch to get him back, but I have decided to start looking into preschools for August. :( He just thrives when he has friends and people to play with, in a structured environment.  Anyway, he keeps asking about his sweet teacher, "Mom, can we go see Ms. Meeshell" or "Ms. Bwue shirt". Apparently, she wore blue a lot!

 Isn't my sweet boy cute sitting on the pew.

I just loved getting "presents" that he made every day. He painted a beautiful sign that says TRUST and it is now hanging on my fridge. (Proud mom moment).

Then on Sunday night, his little class sang 3 songs in front of the church. He sang a few words and did about 3 motions but I'm still happy he didn't just walk away or tear something down.  The other little guy in his class CUT A RUG! I was laughing so hard, I was crying. The kid was doing some power squats. HAHA! Luckily, because everyone was focused on the other little kid, they missed the nose picking that E did. But, of course mom saw it.

Check out my little guy, sitting, and hiding. Love it!

SO, today is Tuesday and it is my first day of summer classes. HOORAY! I'm so pumped to go back to school. Of course I am strange, and just love it. Today is my last, first day of summer school.  Next year I will not (well, should not) be taking summer classes. I am taking 2 classes, Survey of Contemporary literature and Trig.  My trig class should not be difficult because I took a harder math last semester. Literature, on the other hand, I'm not sure about. I have 9 books to read during an 8 week course. I figured so I wouldn't be stressed I should start early so I have already read 2.

I just started reading "A Clockwork Orange" by Anthony Burgess. Apparently, it was made into a movie. I'm only 30 pages in but, So far, I believe this should be a requirement read in high school. The fact that every other word is made up, really makes you use your context clues to figure out what is going on. It is really good practice for ACT. Not that you will ever see these words on the ACT (because they aren't real words), but it is good practice.  I was always taught to read the sentence before and after to figure out what a new word meant so, I actually understand what they are saying, sometimes.... 

    It seems very different though, but after I read it I hope to watch the movie. :) Looks sweet!

That is about all for today! Wish me luck at school tonight and tomorrow. Hopefully, I can make it from 6-10 tonight without falling asleep.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

Hooray! It is officially hump-day. I can not tell you how exciting that is this week, for a VBS worker. Halfway through the week! I have always wanted to try one of these linky things especially with someone who has a fabulous name, Jamie.

Anyway, I am loving....
Vacation Bible School. This is E's first official bible school and he is loving it. He made a cross yesterday, and said it was the color of a T-rex.

I am loving.....
My new nook! I got it used from a wonderful friend for $35. I can't wait to get my first book on it, but first, I have to read the 9 books that I have for school.

I am loving....
These adorable vintage bathing suits.  Now, if only I could find one.

I am loving... my spark energy drinks.

I am loving.....  my advocare challenge. I am on day 14, so only 10 more days and I already feel nice and thin. tee-hee.

I am loving..... 

 Miss Rudy Rue. She is 12 weeks old today and only 7 lbs lighter than my 3 year old.

and I am always loving...
  These two wonderful boys.... who got to meet the Mayor.

Hope you enjoyed!

Monday, June 3, 2013

First week of June :)

Good Morning, oh I guess it is afternoon now. When you wake up as early as I did today you feel as if the day is never ending.  Today is day 12 on my 24 day challenge. I LOVE IT! I feel so much better, with so much energy, and just an overall great mood.  Mark has even noticed. Well, he said my fuse wasn't as short as usual. HA. I have finished the first 10 days of the cleanse and now I am constantly putting in vitamins :) That is it! I feel great because I am actually taking my vitamins. Easy right! I also just want to eat fruit, ALL THE TIME, like ALLLL TTHHHEEE  TTIIIMMMEE! I can totally see how people decide to go plant based after this. It is what you crave and want to eat. Anyway, I have lost weight! My shorts fit, my collar bones are coming out and my waist is smaller. But, I'm not telling how much yet. Anyway, I have lots to tell so get ready.

Saturday, I took off work and we went as a family to go see a baseball game.  I have never enjoyed watching paint dry... I mean watching baseball so I was not too excited but, both boys were.
E was so pumped... until he realized it was a 2 hour drive. :)
Anyway, once we got there, the game before hadn't even ended so we had to wait to go inside. For some reason, E felt the need to pee in the grass! I had to tell him every 5 mins "NO, don't pee right there, let's go to a bathroom". He didn't even have to go when we would go to the bathroom, he just wanted to pee in the grass, on a college campus, with 1100 people around. Yeah, life with a boy.   E loved all the people cheering and it really wasn't too bad of a game. Mark even teared up when E started yelling, "Maroooon", even though he was pretending to be a wolf while he said it.Of course MSU won, Go Dawgs!

Sunday we actually went to Sunday School and church. It has been a couple months since I have made it to both. I know I should force myself to wake up after 5 hours of sleep every Sunday for church, but sometimes I just can't. Ok, Most times. The sermon was wonderful! Preacher-man taught us about having a biblical marriage. Mark and I realized we both came from VERY different lifestyles and family upbringings, so we decided we are going to have to work at our marriage. We both have different views on how a household should be run, we are going to try to get on the same page :) We both want E to look at us and know, "My mom loves my dad, and my dad loves my mom" so he will have a foundation, for when he gets married. I also decided that I have to plug myself into the church, so I called yesterday and asked if I could help during VBS. I figured if I was going to be sitting at home most of the week, I should just go to church in the morning and meet people that I should already know.

Finally, TODAY! I made it to VBS, on time, after working last night till 12.  Yes, I was exhausted, but I made it.  I am actually disappointed. I thought I would be able to meet women my age and actually get to know mothers in the church this week so I can make friends, but I don't think that will really happen.  Needless to say, my anxiety was at an all time peak this morning. I just about hyperventilated and talked myself out of going. I was so nervous to be stepping out of my comfort zone. But, the Lord knew exactly what he was doing.  As always... I got put in the nursery, with two older ladies. Not my age but I don't care because I don't really have to talk to much to them :) I don't feel nervous at all with a bunch of little babies.  We had 6 under the age of 2 so I will definitely get my baby fix by the end of the week. I can not wait till tomorrow. Playing with tiny babies is so much fun.
 Oh, and E had a good time :) This is his first official VBS. Where he actually gets to go to music and craft instead of just hanging out with everyone like usual. He was so excited his miss Ali was there and his teacher seems super nice.

Here, is just a tidbit of fun to leave you with! It is about a year ago, but I just love it :)
Sorry but, you have to turn your head sideways! Not sure how to rotate it.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Day 9 out of 24!

Hooray! one more day left of having to drink that terrible fiber drink :) I have done really well the past couple of days and even made a delicious salad today, with some left over shrimp from the other night.
I'm even so proud of myself. I made waffles for breakfast this morning... WAFFLES and didn't eat any of them. Not even the batter.... E on the other hand had 2!! That kid can eat. I feel great. I feel like I could go for a run, but I just went for a walk. What was I thinking?? I said YAY, let's go for a walk before it rains...at 1230. You know that really muggy feeling outside right before a rain... YEP. We walked during that. It was pretty miserable. We only walked for 20 mins but the poor dog decided she was going to lay in the street under someone's car and not go any further. HA Poor Rue.

We also went to Mathis Peaches yesterday. It's a giant produce place and they have strawberries!!! LOVE THEM!  :D   You can get a giant basket of fresh Mississippi grown strawberries for $10. So I said YES! I also said yes to some peaches, sweet potatoes, grapefruit, and 1 apple that E jerked out of some bushel and took a bite of.. I then felt the need to buy that. You know You bite it, you buy it, kinda thing. ha
I'm not too thrilled about going to work tonight though.  I will once again be there till at least 2 in the morning. Hopefully, I can sleep late tomorrow.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Job Hunting and Day 8!

Well, I'm officially on the hunt, Again. I have been at my server job since Jan. and it's almost June. As much as I enjoy working there most nights there are also so many cons to working there.

makin' money, some nights
friends (I do have some there)
I usually know what I am doing since I have been there a while
Getting to stay home during the week and spend time with the 'wild man'

not enough money (about half the time I don't even make minimum wage)
hard work, I worked 3 nights for 10 hours straight without sitting down, eating, peeing, etc. and didn't even make minimum wage...ugh
LATE, late nights... working from 4-2 three nights in a row make me EXHAUSTED!
No time with Mark. (as soon as he gets home, I go to work)
getting hit on 90% of the time (sometimes working in the bar is fun because the people that you meet, and sometimes those people drink to much and say and do things that make me feel uncomfortable)--even after telling them "Oh, I'm married" they usually ask "Are you happily married?"--Like I would tell them if I'm not, even though I am. And as if it mattered, like I would do something different if I wasn't happy.

So, I have decided that the cons actually outweigh the pros this time. Please keep in me in your prayers so I can find a nice job that I can enjoy, make money and feel comfortable doing.

ALSO, I am officially on day 8 of my 24 day challenge. I did really well and ate what I was supposed to until Sunday this week. That is because while at work I was STARVING, so I ate the healthiest thing that B-dubs offers. A grilled Chicken wrap with cheese. Not to bad! I really wanted some sauce but I sucked it up and didn't get any.
I have lost weight and you are not even supposed to lose much during a cleanse because you are just cleaning everything out to put good things into your body. BUT, I have noticed that since I have been eating mostly unprocessed food that most of our meals are DELCIOUS!! I made spaghetti the other night with ground turkey and all natural, homemade tomato sauce, I also found some gluten free spaghetti noodles made of brown rice and they were just amazing! Mark loved my spaghetti.

Today on day 8, you start taking your fiber drink again with your meal... It's awful! If you have ever drank Metamucil it's slightly the same except it looks so much worse. :) But, after the first day it isn't that bad.
Yesterday I got to go to the produce stand up the road and got some amazing strawberries, peaches, grapefruits, sweet potatoes, and one apple that E picked up while we were in the store and took a bite out of it. HA! It was pretty embarrassing but hey it least it was healthy..

Anyway, I gotta go E just came up and said, "MOM, let's make FIRE!" 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Advocare 24 day challenge!

Oh wow! It has been a LONG time since I posted.  I feel like since the move I have been doing nothing but sleeping, working, and cleaning with a little help from the "wild man". 

ANYWAY, after being on weight watchers on and off for 2 years I decided it was time for a change. I have been stuck on a plateau with my weight.  My friend messaged me about her Advocare products and said HEY, try this! So, I figured "why not".  Today is the first day on my 24 day challenge.  I want a cookie :)
jk, I'm actually doing alright. I woke up took my pills, chugged my fiber drink (chugging is a must because the texture is NOT pleasant) and ate some eggs.  I don't usually eat breakfast so this was a bit of a struggle. I drank a SPARK this morning instead of my usual coffee and I loved it! I didn't sleep good because Mark wasn't home. Every little noise I woke up, like "ah, someone's coming in the house" of course no one did. But, I felt like I had a full nights sleep.
           I told myself I wouldn't drink more than one today but, I couldn't help myself.  I just liked it so much.  The energy it gives is unbelievable and you should see how fast I'm typing this!! I'm HYPED UP! Just kidding, it doesn't make me jittery or hyper at all but I do feel like I can clean my whole house.. I'm not going to but I feel like I could if I wanted to. SO... breakfast I had my protein, complex carb, and fruit, it was just eggs with some homemade all-natural salsa, a small piece of whole grain toast with NO added sugars, and a few slices of a pear.
Next, instead of having a snack I went and rode my exercise bike for 30 mins. I feel like that is a must since I had so much energy. I made myself a wrap and some veggies for lunch and of course took my lunch pills.
It was a super easy lunch. I had some leftover turkey sausage meatballs that I made and just wrapped it in a whole grain wrap. I added some lettuce and cranberry sauce.  I had some all natural whole berry cranberry sauce, I don't know if it was allowed but it was just a small tbsp so I didn't care. :) Then I heated some zucchini slices in a skillet with some Cajun seasoning. DELICIOUS!

Finally, for dinner I think I will just eat a grilled chicken salad, since Mark won't be home, I will not have to cook anything. 

I'm so excited to see results after my 24 day challenge.  It's only 24 days and if I don't like it I don't have to continue.  JUST 24 days!!! I can do this.

Of course I will not post ANY results till the end of my 24 days... so sorry! You will just have to check back later.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Well, It's off to work.

For me anyways,  This is the 2nd job in 2 months. :) I'm pretty pumped about it hopefully they can work around my schedule. I had some problems with management at the old job so I quit and finally found another....
When I say I had problems I mean. Management had some problems. I did nothing the people they chose to employ were the ones with problems. Problems that made me feel uncomfortable working in the enviroment and many of them were illegal..... I didn't want any problems to come out of a bad enviroment. If police were to show up my ideas of becoming a teacher would get thrown down the drain bc of the people there and I would automatically be guilty bc association. SO....

I am going to try this one out! :) I already like my jersey that I get to wear as a uniform. I think i look good haha.

E has a new babysitter and he/I am SOOOO excited! She seems great and E is so ready to play with someone besides me. Hopefully she can handle a little boy. I think she just has girls in her family..... She's in for a surprise!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Breakfast, anyone

According to the new WeightWatchers360, Routines are the key to sticking to your diet. I'm not talking about eat the same thing every day for a week but good routines like.... drink water before meals or exercise 3 times a week.  I have decided once a week I will try to find a new routine and stick with it for a week. As the weeks progress you are supposed to build on that routine. Easy right...

I decided I would start with the easiest one. :) Eat breakfast everyday. I am NOT a breakfast eater. I prefer coffee.... and then more coffee.... and then more coffee. I guess this would make it difficult for me but if it means I eat then bring it on.  To kickstart your metabolism every morning you are supposed to eat a meal with protein at breakfast. This also helps you not to overeat at the other meals because you aren't as famished.

Today, I am trying to eat some breakfast. I JUST CAN'T. I am not hungry and it doesn't taste like coffee so I'm not really into eating. I tried some nice plain yogurt with fruit and sugar.  It's tasty but it is taking me FOREVER just to munch/mush away at it. ha. I guess it's difficult to eat when all you want is some toast.

O well, I ate half and enjoyed my coffee so that is progress right. But, I'm so excited for today we are going to a friends house to play. E's pretty pumped. I'm pretty sure 4 boys under 5 are going to be exhausting but HEY, that's motherhood right.  It's fun to hang out with other exhausted moms. :) But I really look up to this mom and wish I had her strength. She has 3 boys. I just have 1. Her patience is 2 times more than mine. She is the bomb!
Can't wait!!

Friday, January 4, 2013

12 in 2012!

I took this from a wonderful blog I follow.  I'm supposed to Link up but I missed it that day :) BUT anyway here are MY top 12 things that happened in 2012! :)

                                                                12 favorite things!
12. Favorite movie you watched:
Probably Lawless, (I know right) it's pretty violent but I went on a daddy-daughter date with MY dad to go see it. We haven't had one in a long time and we shared popcorn and even went out to eat afterwards. Luckily, we both liked the movie.  At 23, I realize how much I still need to spend time with my parents.
11. Favorite TV series:
This is a tie. PLL and Hell on Wheels!
10. Favorite restaurant:
Got to be Buffalo Wild Wings. Those wings are just TOO MUCH! :) LOve it!
9. Favorite new thing you tried:
Green tea! I have fallen in LOVE with drinking green tea.
8. Favorite gift you got:
My mixer! I have been using a wonderful whisk for over 2 years now. To actually have a mixer that does all the work is a blessing.
7. Favorite thing you pinned:
I really didn't pin too much this year. I was busy. BUT, I guess Pinned Image
6. Favorite blog post:
My favorite was in Jan 2012. When I did our 2011 year in a recap :) It has the best pictures.
5. Best accomplishment:
I would have to say MOVING!
4. Favorite picture:
Of course one of my baby!
3. Favorite memory:
Celebrating E's birthday in the NEW house! (or as he says "My new house with the steps) 
2. Goal for 2013:
Get back to little ME, meaning taking a little time everyday for myself. And stay in school :)
1. One Little Word: