E woke up yesterday asking if he could go back. I realize he needs some sort of schedule and stability where he can interact with other kids. Not just mom time. It hurts me and makes me want to cry, to realize he is growing up so much. I missed that little guy every morning and couldn't wait until lunch to get him back, but I have decided to start looking into preschools for August. :( He just thrives when he has friends and people to play with, in a structured environment. Anyway, he keeps asking about his sweet teacher, "Mom, can we go see Ms. Meeshell" or "Ms. Bwue shirt". Apparently, she wore blue a lot!
I just loved getting "presents" that he made every day. He painted a beautiful sign that says TRUST and it is now hanging on my fridge. (Proud mom moment).
Then on Sunday night, his little class sang 3 songs in front of the church. He sang a few words and did about 3 motions but I'm still happy he didn't just walk away or tear something down. The other little guy in his class CUT A RUG! I was laughing so hard, I was crying. The kid was doing some power squats. HAHA! Luckily, because everyone was focused on the other little kid, they missed the nose picking that E did. But, of course mom saw it.
Check out my little guy, sitting, and hiding. Love it!
SO, today is Tuesday and it is my first day of summer classes. HOORAY! I'm so pumped to go back to school. Of course I am strange, and just love it. Today is my last, first day of summer school. Next year I will not (well, should not) be taking summer classes. I am taking 2 classes, Survey of Contemporary literature and Trig. My trig class should not be difficult because I took a harder math last semester. Literature, on the other hand, I'm not sure about. I have 9 books to read during an 8 week course. I figured so I wouldn't be stressed I should start early so I have already read 2.
I just started reading "A Clockwork Orange" by Anthony Burgess. Apparently, it was made into a movie. I'm only 30 pages in but, So far, I believe this should be a requirement read in high school. The fact that every other word is made up, really makes you use your context clues to figure out what is going on. It is really good practice for ACT. Not that you will ever see these words on the ACT (because they aren't real words), but it is good practice. I was always taught to read the sentence before and after to figure out what a new word meant so, I actually understand what they are saying, sometimes....
That is about all for today! Wish me luck at school tonight and tomorrow. Hopefully, I can make it from 6-10 tonight without falling asleep.
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