OK.. this is my first time linking up to this fun post from a lovely Mrs. Freeman at Chatting at the Sky. But, I have a few friends who have done this so I thought why not, I can think of 12 things I learned. Boy, I didn't know how difficult it was going to be to just have time to sit here and think, much less type up all these thoughts roaming in my head. But, I will try.
Here we go...
1. I am no good at waiting. I have no patience. I have to have things in order and when my order is messed up I FREAK OUT. I have a routine, don't mess it up! I can not wait for the outcome of an event if I haven't thought out all the possible outcomes and prepared myself for each and every one of them. It stresses me out to just sit and wait... in no mans land for information, news, or anything.
Which brings me to number two...
2. I have severe anxiety. HA I guess I didn't just learn this. I have known about it a while I just do not like to admit it. HERE I AM, admitting it. I had 2 panic attacks this month :/. I have had a hard time with school this summer because of a very difficult class, in which I had to stand up and give a presentation. Last time, I gave a presentation I threw up. I actually made it through this one but I stuttered, turned red, and had to just read it straight from paper. I'm pretty sure I didn't even look up. This scares me as an Education major. I have decided I will do this everyday of my adult life! WHAT have I been thinking?!? But, I do want it so I will do it :) (look at me motivating myself ) It helped to turn to my bible and find some things like this amazing bible verse Phillipians 4: 6-8.
3. ANYWAY, on to a less depressing realization. :) It's hard work to lose weight. I spent the last month using Advocare. I definitely fell off the wagon MULTIPLE times. But, all together I lost weight 11 lbs.but, I gained back 5 lbs because of #4 but I would take that any day. :) I just can't seem to get into the habit of exercising because my schedule is RIDICULOUS.
4. I learned I can do anything I actually decide that I want to do it. I HAVE OFFICIALLY QUIT SMOKING. Not very many people know I was a smoker. Well, I am here to announce I was a pack a day smoker since I was 18. I have quit MANY times before and started back. I WILL NOT START AGAIN! It has been over a month and I couldn't be happier, yes everyday struggle but I want to do it so I will. :)
5. Potty training is not just a week long thing. I don't know about other people but for us, we have been potty training for almost a whole year. E has finally gotten the hang of #1 and some days #2. I don't know when I will feel comfortable taking him out of the house in big boy pants but in the house we wear big boy pants. HOORAY!
6. I am not a very avid blogger. HA! I haven't written a blog post in a while. BUT, as an excuse I am very busy taking summer classes and working.
7. I have a love/hate relationship with my job. Don't we all! I love being able to run around and talk to so many people but it is hard work and late nights for very little money.
8. E will start to preschool in 12 days. ---<PARTY DANCE>---
9. I love to sew! I realize this is a lost art form for most people and I am proud to say I know how to sew NOT well, but I can hem my own pants and can make E some! I hope to move up to making some skirts and dresses for me. BUT, until I find the time....
10. I learned I want another child. No, we can't afford to have another one but that doesn't mean I don't long to have another one. E is not a baby anymore and I feel the need to just hold one/have one ALL the time. It hurts my feelings and to say the least I'm super jealous that all my friends are having kids and we aren't. Yet again, I realize I have to wait (something I at terrible at) and just trust God!
11. Adam West does voices ALOT! This guy is in almost every animated film! He is in Family Guy, Jake and The Neverland Pirates, Kim Possible, The Simpsons, Chicken Little, and is even on a movie we are watching now, Meet the Robinsons. Of course he was the original Batman! So if, there is a Batman cartoon he is the voice of Batman. UNBELIEVABLE! This guy has been acting since 1966. And his voice is so distinguishable. haha
Hope you enjoyed!
Just so you know, #HELLOMORNINGS is starting up a new Fall bible study! Sign up is August 5th. It is a community based Online quiet time. Super Easy and free! I love to try it every year SO... tell your friends and sign up!
Awesome! I love this link up party. :) You don't have to do 12 though, lol, if you just want to do however many you can think of that's cool. Sorry about your anxiety. John used to struggle with that a lot when he was younger. You totally ARE good at sewing though, after seeing your homemade cloth diapers! You are scaring me about potty training though. Yikes for little boys!
ReplyDeleteWow, Girl. You have a super full life! Good for you for quitting smoking; I know how hard that is. It'll be easier to stay on the wagon if your honey doesn't smoke. Pleased to make your acquaintance via Emily's.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much you guys! Kelly, potty training is not terrible just not what I expected. :) Your little guy will be fine. and thank you Brandee! No my hubbs doesn't! But, I get wonderful support from him :) and I smell so much better now ha
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing. Congrats on the not smoking. I bet that was hard. Praying for you as you deal with the anxiety. I know that must be hard too. Sounds like you are making progress though. God bless.