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Hey I'm Jamie. Christian. Wife. Foodie. New home owner. Mommy of a 4 year old little boy, who fills my life with wonderful chaos.

The Hubby

The Hubby

The Wildman

The Wildman

Monday, August 5, 2013



I got up early this morning, did my bible study and now feel so prepared for the day. I can't believe I let myself skip out on a quiet time most mornings. Everything runs so much smoother if I get some one on one time.  Well, I got half way through my bible study before a little person ran around the corner and tackled me from behind.

I read about Esther today and I LOVE HER! She's probably my favorite woman in the Bible.  I know I should say Mary is because she is Jesus's mom but I really like Esther (sorry not sorry). I was reminded that God will put me where I am supposed to be so I can fulfill HIS purpose. Not mine.  So, even though I am stressed with changing jobs and may or may not be going to school this semester, it's so I can do something FOR HIM.

So, back to changing jobs.  YES! I got a new job. HOoRAY!!!!  I will be working a daytime job at a bank.  WITH DAYTIME HOURS!!!  <---- Can you see how excited I am that I will be sleeping the same time as everyone else in the house.

Praise the Lord for answering prayers!!

I may not be able to go to class this semester because I did not get all my papers turned in to be accepted into the Education program until a week before school starts, but with this job I was just planning on taking two classes anyway. I am actually not too bummed, I feel like this summer I have done nothing but work all night and go to school all day.  My little boy is almost 4 and I have missed it.  :(  I need some time to just focus on him. Even though he will be starting to a 3-preK program just right up the road. I feel like he is so ready for it. Even if I cry the first couple of day ha.

Now, that I am on a non-vampire schedule I decided to sign up for a bible study that I haven't done in a while. It is called HELLOMORNINGS.  It is super easy to sign up for and stay accountable because it is all on facebook and twitter.  You sign up for a group by going to
Christian CommunityHelloMornings <---Clickhere.  
You can read all about it and sign up right here. :) I love this because they email me my bible study so the whole group is doing the same book.  I also signed up in the Women in Education class. I figured since I am studying to be a teacher and I am in actual school that qualifies me for both aspects of that group. HA!

ANYWAY, Hope you have a fantastic week! I have one more final and two papers to write before Wed. Pray for me as I finally finish this semester.

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